Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An open letter to the Democrats:

I cannot believe how completely lame and impotent the political process in this country has become. The Democrats have a majority in Congress and you cannot even stop the policy of a mostly hated president with a failed foreign policy. You really disgust me. What ever happened to Democracy? The majority of this country wants the war to end, and you cave in to Bush and his oil-based foreign policy. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic! How do you look in the mirror?

When are any of the "leaders" in this country going to actually start talking about something that matters to the populace? When will there be serious health care legislation? When will Bush's tax cuts be repealed? When will be quit blowing money on the military and actually provide a decent education for America, instead of having an immigration policy that lets us import skilled people from other countries? Oh, that's right, I forgot. Everyone in Washington is on the corporate leash, and your masters do not want you to actually represent the people; you have all been such good doggies! That’s right, lift your leg on Democracy and take a poo on the Constitution. Here’s a treat! I really appreciate it. Here, I’ll scratch your butt too! I hate comparing you to dogs; it’s an insult to all dogs. At least they're loyal. People are wrong when they say prostitution is the oldest profession, it's politics!!

In parting, please send me information on good countries for American expatriates. I am tired of my taxes subsidizing the rich and their wars. I am going to move to a civilized (and democratic) country where the government takes care of their own people. You guys make me sick! Grow some balls.

Most Sincerely,
Darren Riesz


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