Friday, October 28, 2005

So what’s it like working in a prison? It’s no joy. Dirty concrete and steel wrap you for hours. The odor of many bodies confined in cells smells somewhat like fried chicken, rotting on the stove because you forgot to put in the fridge. It's a cold business, and that is what protects you.

When I tell people I work in a prison, I get this look, which I find nauseating. They look at me like I am doing some great service to the disadvantaged by offering my services as a nurse. I think these are people whose lives have never been smashed to a pulp by one of these people I deal with.

Anyone out there have a murdered friend? Do you know a rape victim? Know anyone who was molested as a child? Ever been mugged? If so, then you might understand that these people ARE NOT MISUNDERSTOOD. They worked very hard to get where they are. They have committed multiple felonies and done plenty of time in county jail before they graduated to the big house. They are criminals. They can't follow the rules. They don't give a fuck about anyone. They cannot control their impulses. Thus they are locked up. Trust me, it’s the best place for them, and for us.

Do they come from disadvantaged backgrounds? Probably, but that is a lame excuse for their crimes. How many people come from disadvantaged backgrounds that don’t end up in jail? Most of them, nearly all. Some even prosper beyond their humble roots.

So, when I get that look, and sometimes a few words about how I am such an altruistic soul because I work at San Quentin, I really just want to laugh, and then vomit. It seems some people don't want to believe that some people are evil. Yes, I said it. Evil; they don’t give a fuck about anything but themselves. Why? Who cares!!

Lately, it seems everyone wants to place the blame everywhere but where it belongs, which is SQUARELY on the shoulders of the criminal. They say it's society's fault; it's TV's fault; it’s their parent's fault; it's something in their genes. Bullshit. They are selfish children who either chose not to grow up, or didn't have the opportunity. Whichever, it really doesn't matter. The result is the same. They are criminals; they hurt people and don't accept the responsibility. Most of them think they are the victims!! Here's a good quote "That bitch was a twelve year old whore who wanted it."

My life has not been perfect (look where I work). I have problems. I have debts and obligations. I am a generally anxious guy. I am not an alpha-male with a stud physique. I have been inspired to a murderous rage, more than once. Well boo fucking hoo. See me going to jail?

See, it's really about Occam's razor. The best explanation is the simplest. They chose their actions. They are to blame, and thus they are in the right place. Yes, life is hard and the middle class is shrinking and the water is polluted and our government sucks and the price of gas is going up, but does make it OK to break the law? No. Laws are universal in nature; they are meant to apply to everyone, even Congressional leaders and the Chief of staff of a certain vice-president. They regulate human behavior so society can function. Extraordinary circumstances might justify breaking some laws, but the circumstances of these people I deal with everyday are really not extraordinary. There are plenty of people in the same situation that don't repeatedly break the law and end up in prison. It's really that simple.

So if you read this, next time we meet please don't give me that "Oh you noble hearted humane person" look. I'm just there for the money. Obviously, I am not there for my health. I do take a certain amount of pride in doing my job well, but it is not for their benefit. It's because fundamentally we are better than them; despite their crimes, we still apply universal principles to them; we still treat them like human beings.


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