Thursday, November 13, 2003

Right now, the Senate is holding 30 hours of debate about the confirmation process for judicial nominees. Meanwhile, back in the real world, I just received my bill from the emergency room. I was in an accident a few weeks ago. I have no job. I have no insurance. I am trying to better myself by going to college and earning a degree. I can't pay this bill. My school (SFSU) provides no health insurance. I was not offered benefits at my previous job at UCSF (yes, the hospital. Ironic, no?). No one else is hiring.

Earth to Congress!! When people can't afford health insurance and/or are unemployed, we don't tend to give a shit about the finer points of confirming judicial nominees. While I'm sure your little egos' may be bruised because the democrats won't cooperate, instead of having a pointless thirty-hour bitch session (wasting taxpayers money I might add) why don't you try to get some legislation passed that will benefit the everyday Jane and Joe? Your arrogance is truly offensive. Who the hell do you think you are? Are your egos' so inflated that you can't see beyond your own wounded pride? We didn't elect you so you could flagellate your lips when things don't go your way. We did not elect you so you could whine when the opposition party does what the name implies, i.e. oppose you. We elected you, Republican and Democrat alike, to represent our concerns. Get your heads out of the clouds!! The gap of ideology that separates you from the people who elected you seems to grow wider every year. Wake up!! Grow up!! Quit whining!! Get over it and do something about our concerns: unemployment, healthcare, school violence, pollution. Quit flapping your lips!!


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